OrcaTorch D560-GL Scuba Diving Green Laser Only for Instructors and Scuba Divers - OrcaTorch Dive Lights
OrcaTorch D560-GL Green Lser Pointer
OrcaTorch D560-GL Green Laser Dive Light Beam Distance 1000m
OrcaTorch D560-GL dive light rotary switch
OrcaTorch D560-GL Battery Options, AA and 14500 Battery
OrcaTorch D560-GL Green laser dive light waterproof 150m
OrcaTorch D560-GL Scuba Diving Green Laser Only for Instructors and Scuba Divers - OrcaTorch Dive Lights
OrcaTorch D560-GL Scuba Diving Green Laser Only for Instructors and Scuba Divers - OrcaTorch Dive Lights
OrcaTorch D560-GL Scuba Diving Green Laser Only for Instructors and Scuba Divers - OrcaTorch Dive Lights
OrcaTorch D560-GL Scuba Diving Green Laser Only for Instructors and Scuba Divers 14500 Battery

インストラクターとスキューバダイバー専用のOrcaTorch D560-GLスキューバダイビンググリーンレーザー

セール価格$69.95 通常価格$79.95
  • 49 米ドル以上のご注文で送料無料をお楽しみください。チェックアウト ページで配達予定時間を確認できます。

  • 当社のダイビング ライトには 2 年間の保証、アクセサリには 1 年間の保証が付いています。

  • 30日間の返品ポリシー

  • あなたの購入は違いを生みます。 利益の1%をシャチの保護と海洋環境の保全に充てます。

OrcaTorch D560-GLは、インストラクターや水中商用ダイバー向けに特別に設計されたスキューバダイビングレーザーダイブライトです。 それは520nM波长の5mWグリーンレーザーを提供します。 1つの14500充電式リチウムイオン電池または単三電池を搭載した最大ランタイムは5時間です。 それはレーザーだけ、白いビームを持っていません。

* 520nMの波长の5mWグリーンレーザー
* Aircraft-grade高力アルミニウム材料
* 最新のダイヤモンドグレードのハード陽極酸化海水耐食性仕上げ
* 強化ガラスでコーティングされた両面

注: レーザーだけ、白いビーム無し


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

This is the best value for money light maker on the market. Love them. Their website is outstanding. Easy to pick. Easy to price. Easy to ship/receive.

Dot not buy

This product has a design flaw; indeed, it does not have a switch, and to turn it on or off, you have to twist the lamp head. The problem is that this action reduces the sealing of the joints, allowing small amounts of water to get into the lamp, causing humidity. After a few months of use, the lamp body oxidized, and the laser eventually stopped working. I requested an exchange from my seller, but ORCA refused the exchange because there are traces of oxidation. The laser was never submerged; it was simply a case of constant humidity causing this.

Emanuela Callone
Look good

the shipping was on time. the laser is very nice and respects the expectations.