OrcaTorch D530 1300 Lumens Dive Light for divers 8 Degree Super Focus Beam Angle - OrcaTorch Technology Limited
OrcaTorch D530 1300 Lumens Dive Light for divers 8 Degree Super Focus Beam Angle 18650 Battery
ORCATORCH D530 1300 Lumens Dive Light for divers 8 Degree Super Focus Beam Angle - OrcaTorch Dive Lights
OrcaTorch D530 1300 Lumens Dive Light for divers 8 Degree Super Focus Beam Angle 18650 Battery
OrcaTorch D530 1300 Lumens Dive Light for divers 8 Degree Super Focus Beam Angle 18650 Battery
OrcaTorch D530 1300 Lumens Dive Light for divers 8 Degree Super Focus Beam Angle 18650 Battery
OrcaTorch D530 1300 Lumens Dive Light for divers 8 Degree Super Focus Beam Angle 18650 Battery
OrcaTorch D530 1300 Lumens Dive Light for divers 8 Degree Super Focus Beam Angle 18650 Battery
OrcaTorch D530 Scuba Diver Lamp 1300 Lumens for divers 8 Degree Super Focus Beam Angle 18650 Battery

Lámpara de buceo OrcaTorch D530 de 1300 lúmenes para buceadores Ángulo de haz de enfoque superrápido de 8 grados

Precio de venta$89.95 Precio normal$109.95
Ahorra 18%
Opciones de LED:LED blanco frío 6500K
  • ¡Disfruta de envío gratuito en pedidos superiores a US$49! Puedes ver el tiempo de entrega estimado en la página de pago.

  • Ofrecemos dos años de garantía para nuestras luces de buceo y un año de garantía para los accesorios.

  • política de devolución de 30 días

  • Su compra hace la diferencia. Vamos a destinar el 1% de nuestras ganancias a promover la protección de las orcas y la preservación del medio ambiente marino.

Lámpara de buceo D530

ORCATORCH D530 es una lámpara de buceo primaria imprescindible. Su salida de 1300 lúmenes y su ángulo de haz súper de enfoque de 8 grados proporcionan un disparo concentrado de haz largo. La luz utiliza un interruptor lateral de aleación de titanio que ofrece 2 modos de iluminación, el modo alto de 1300 lúmenes y el modo bajo de 380 lúmenes, lo que permite una fácil operación bajo el agua. La luz indicadora LED ubicada en el botón del interruptor también le permite saber la carga restante de la batería.

* Utiliza CREE LED, max 1300 lúmenes
* Utiliza 1*18650 Li-ion batería recargable
* 8 ° super ángulo de haz de enfoque
* Fácil operación con interruptor de botón de aleación de titanio lateral
* Indicador de batería
* Función de bloqueo seguro, evita el mal funcionamiento
* Protección inteligente contra el calor
* Construcción resistente a la presión del agua, profundidad nominal a 150 metros
* Protección de polaridad inversa, para proteger de la instalación incorrecta de la batería
* Función de la protección de la sobre-descarga
* Material de aluminio de alta resistencia de grado aeronáutico
* Reflector de aleación de aluminio con análisis óptico profesional, etc.

* Nota: Para cada luz D530, solo se puede aplicar un color.

OrcaTorch D530 Dive Light Box

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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews

The best compact dive light I have ever owned and I have owned a few...thanks Orcatorch !

Steven Huff
Excellent dive light

The D530 is an excellent dive light. It has a long battery life, is bright, compact, and is well contructed. Best of all is the excellent customer service. This is a company that stands behind their product.

Roger Veteto
Pleased with my OrcaTorch D530

I have been nothing but pleased with my OrcaTorch D530. You can spend a lot more money on a dive light and not get all of the features and quality that this light offers. While it is a nice compact size, it packs a bright beam and it's great to have different lighting modes to chose from. The lower-lumen setting is frequently more than enough for me. A key feature for me was the safe lock function which prevents the light from accidentally turning on at the wrong time. I love that feature and was surprised by how difficult it was to find a dive light that offered it. The aluminum body feels solid in your hand and is comfortable to hold. All in all, this is a great addition to my kit and a light that I'm sure I'll be using for many years to come.

Great spot light and excellent customer service

Great spot light for any diving conditions!! Find you way through the less visible environments or point out easily critters to your dive buddies! This is the spot light for it without any doubt. Easy to operate and portable, love that battery itself can be plugged using a USB port. Also great customer service in case your you need technical support or warranty.

Stella Del Curto
Good torch!!!

The D530 is a very good torch , useful both as video light and backup light in cave... it’s very small but does a very stunning light!